Virtual Reality, also known as VR, makes the impossible possible. The seduction of VR is to experience anything, at any place and at any time. It is the most hypnotic, addictive type of reality technology as it is telling the brain that it is participating in something extraordinary when in actuality it is sitting in the living room sofa. Virtual Reality gambling is so advanced and seemingly realistic that often the player forgets that he is at home and is imagining that he is in Atlantic City wining the big bucks. All it takes for the millions of players out there enjoying this unique and mesmerizing experience is a computer, VR headsets, a credit card.
As more people prefer to stay indoors it was only a matter of time before VR technology blew up. One online user says “After I work a nine hour day, driving all the way to the casino isn’t always appealing. With online gambling being paired with VR technology, I can feel like I am in the coolest casino right here in my own home. Plus it is a lot cheaper and safer to have a few drinks at home while I play.” Simply put, VR technology can make it feel like walking into a casino, plopping down on a machine and placing bets. As a player sits with his drink in hand, listening to the enticing sounds of his favorite casino and that oh so fantastic sound his machine makes as it tells him he has won thousands, he smiles at the experience he is having from the luxury of his own home.
The goal of fully-immersive online gambling simulations was to stimulate the user’s senses and give them that exciting casino experience. Online gaming has come a long way. “Games like blackjack, roulette and slots could only be played hands on. We have created a way for a player to literally feel the rush of spinning the roulette wheel and waiting in anticipation for that ball to land.” The popular, more advanced games are able to deliver an authentic experience by giving a player a virtual high definition wide screen TV.
As players get hungrier for more exciting games the VR Gaming Industry has done its best to keep up with their customers. A casino software engineer said “Technology has finally caught up to the player’s demands and desires. With headsets like the HTC Vive or the Octulus Rift, online players are having that true, immersive casino experience.” Players definitely need headsets if they want to experience games like a 3D version of roulette where the table and wheel had an outer-space backdrop, comprised of stars, asteroids and a cosmic charismatic robotic dealer. Players have plenty of choices. If they get bored with roulette they can play blackjack, Texas Hold-Em or baccarat.
As Microgaming engineers continue to bust through glass ceilings so do the cell phone programmers. There are now casino VR apps that allow players to take their virtual reality with them anywhere they have a connection. The engineers and programmers that make all of this a reality are merely clearing their cyber throats. They predict that this industry is about to really blow up and they see this technology getting into the hands of everyone worldwide.
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